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Whisper of the snow

Another collaboration with Bromide Publishing House limited.

The publication of the "snow work" by the Japanese photographer Juri Ishiwata.


The idea was to make a look-a-like Japanese book : dustcover and obi, Japanese writing on front.​

The three main changes differing a little from the traditional Japanese book were : 

Large format, we kept a size almost A4.

Reading direction : we kept the cover on the left part of the book, reading is done from left to right (western style reading)

Hardcover : even with a dustcover and a obi, we wanted a strong and long lasting publication, not just a glue spine.

We kept some English writing on the back of the book : title, author and a small presentation.​


The book cover, under the dustcover, is made of a "dirty" white/beige fabric​ as a metaphor for snow on the country soil, then under the snow comes a brown textured end sheet paper as soil itself.


Inside, the Japanese title page is gifted discreetly by three words in light grey : the three chapters of the book, imposing the choice of order for the photographs. Even without a clear border between the chapters, it comes like this : isolation/snowstorm/sunny.


The dustcover is done in black and white whereas the obi is printed in black and silver, creating an accent and eye-catching call to read the comments.


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